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Finn-Korkki invests in solar panels!

At the beginning of December last year before the winter snow fall became too heavy Finn-Korkki started the installation of solar panels on their factory roofs. All together nearly 800 panels are being installed. Total annual production is expected to be around 325 kW of electricity. Excited to know how much electricity can be supplied from the sun. Can Finn-Korkki source 100% of our electricity needs from these solar panels on the sunnier days? Total contribution for the year is expected to be 12% to 14% of Finn-Korkki’s annual consumption.

Solar power panels being installed at Finn-Korkki

The installation should be completed in the Spring as soon as weather conditions allow. Electricity from these solar panels will help Finn-Korkki achieve and keep its sustainability goals over the years ahead. Specifically sourcing electrical energy from 100% renewable sources and being carbon neutral by 2035.

Solar power panels snow covered at Finn-Korkki

A few days late snow covered the panels that had been installed.

Read more about Finn-Korkki’s sustainability goals, click the link.

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