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Have you got feedback for Finn-Korkki?

This year we’ve been lucky to receive a good amount of feedback from our customers. Firstly, we’d like to thank you for taking the time to fill out the short feedback survey. It means a lot and helps Finn-Korkki to develop even better service and products.

“As a first time order, all technical information and details were given in time, the product is great, and commercial service is efficient. Looking forward to another order.” – Customer feedback, 2022

According to the feedback our customers most appreciate the high quality of our products, friendly customer service and swift communication. We intend to keep things that way and hope you’ll continue to give us feedback. Your negative and positive feedback are both of great value. About once a year at random intervals customer feedback surveys are sent out to individual customers. Typically, a survey is sent a few weeks after your order is delivered to your bottling plant.

Feedback from Finn-Korkki's customers

Filling the 2 questions takes only a couple of minutes! The first question asks for a number to rate or score us. The second question asks for a few words to explain why you gave that score. That’s it!

You don’t have to wait until a survey to give feedback. If you wish or when there is a need your direct feedback by email or phone is also greatly appreciated.

Wishing you all a great summer that puts the pandemic in the past 😊

Copyright © 2025 Finn-Korkki Oy.